Podcast 05.04: Paige Bach & Diane Maloney – #YouthPastorCoupleGoals

ABOUT THIS EPISODE: Paige and Diane met while completing youth ministry masters’ degrees, and have spent their entire relationship as youth pastors in two different churches! They share about how they have set boundaries while still being each other’s best ministry volunteers, how to connect churches together so that they can both thrive, and being there for one another even if one is thriving and one is not.

ABOUT PAIGE & DIANE: Paige and Diane are community (and self) described #YouthPastorCoupleGoals. Paige and Diane both have undergraduate degrees in Youth Ministry/Religion (from separate colleges), and Masters of Arts in Youth Ministry degrees from the same seminary/program (Memphis Theological Seminary/CYMT). They have been together for over 5 years, and have just recently gotten married at a summer camp themed wedding because as previously mentioned #YouthPastorCoupleGoals. Paige and Diane have the unique opportunity to be in very similar ministry positions at 2 different churches in suburbs of DC. They consider both churches their home church, and all of the young people they work with are their kids.

You can follow them online at Insta & Twitter: @pdhbach @di_maloney

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